Extend Your Time
It is when you enroll a new distributor that the basics of leveraging your time start. This is where you have the chance to duplicate your efforts. Whenever this new distributor spends time working on their business, they are also spending time working on your business.
So this is how you leverage your time without personally working harder. Therefore, it only stands to reason that the more people you have working for you in this capacity the more potential money you can make.
This is why so many people can get wealthy in network marketing and never work more than a few hours every week. To learn how to leverage your time to find the quality people to grow your business is the key.
Now, this is where the Internet really comes into play. By using Internet tools such as landing pages to capture contact information for future follow-up is a smart way to leverage your time.
Before the internet was around you would prospect and try to individually follow up with those people in person, via direct mail, or on the phone. Needless to say that was a very difficult way to build a network marketing business.
In this day and age you can build a large list to follow up with via email and then let an auto-responder handle all of the follow-up for you. Thanks to the internet it is possible to literally build a list of thousands of people and develop a network marketing business of thousands of people all online.
Now the real power of this however is when your downline of thousands of people are all duplicating the time you're putting in. Can you imagine how exciting it would be if you knew you had a thousand people in your group all building large email lists to follow up with of their own.
I am sure you can see that you literally can build wealth in network marketing and the concept of leveraging your time and that of your downline is what made it possible.
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