
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Spanish Travel Tips - Be Careful

Travel Tips - Be Careful

Wherever tourists gather, be it at a castle, railway station or in a café bar you are more than likely to be approached by gypsies offering bunches of roses and or other plants. These can be very nice and a good buy but be careful. If this happens, first hang on to your bag. They are often in groups and whilst you are looking at the offerings, another picks your pocket or your bag. It happens all the time.

You will come across beggars everywhere, outside supermarkets at the bus station and again at tourist attractions. They often have a sign printed in English telling you their story. You may be approached by children or by young women with a card saying that they are refugees and have no money. If you feel strongly about these issues you should make a donation to a registered charity as often money given in the streets ends up in the pockets of organized gangs.

Finally, how to deal with the Looky, Looky men of African origin who sell CDs DVDs and watches, toys and sunglasses. More and more they drop by your table as you enjoy your coffee in the sun. They have a great sales pitch but the goods are sometimes worthless. If you are tempted to buy it is always a good idea to ask around bar owners and local residents to find out who are the regular and reputable Looky, Looky men because some of their stuff can be ok. If you do not want to do business with them Keep your money in you wallet or purse Smile, be firm and say no thank you and they will go away.

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